Minister Johnston provides an overview of Western Australia’s hydrogen industry.
Honourable Bill Johnston MLA
Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Hydrogen Industry; Industrial Relations
Member for Cannington
The Hon. Bill Johnston is Western Australia's Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Energy, Hydrogen Industry and Industrial Relations.
He has been a Minister for the Labor Government since March 2017, and has previously been Minister for Commerce, Corrective Services, Electoral Affairs, and Asian Engagement.
So far, his achievements include cutting red-tape for the mining industry, introducing the Work Health and Safety Bill (industrial manslaughter provisions) and assisting in revolutionising Western Australia’s energy system.
In Opposition he served as Shadow Minister for State Development and Energy from 2012, and Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum from 2013.
He was a Member of the Economics and Industry Standing Committee and Deputy Chair of the Inquiry into Domestic Gas Prices from 2010 to 2011.
Prior to entering Parliament, he was the State Secretary of WA Labor from 2001 until 2008, with responsibility for all State and Federal election campaigns.
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